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Day one rights – why embedding a robust probation process has become even more important

  • Publish Date: Posted 11 days ago
  • Author: Handle Recruitment

​Have you ever taken comfort (maybe not publicly!) in knowing that there is essentially a 24-month window before an employee can bring an unfair dismissal claim?

All that is about to change with the new Labour government’s proposed introduction of day one rights for employees.

What is changing?

The detail is not there quite yet, although the government has made it clear that we should be preparing for the introduction of “day one rights” for employees, suggesting that employees will no longer need to complete a qualifying period of service to lodge an unfair dismissal claim with an employment tribunal.

However, what Labour actually says is that it will be ‘subject to contractual probationary periods’. Suggesting that employers will be able to dismiss without fear of dismissal claims if the dismissal takes effect during a contractual probationary period.

What we can assume, and you need to prepare for, how you use probation periods and design an onboarding process that will drive success and highlight underperformance.

Continue reading on the Talent Halo blog.