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Celebrating London: I'm Still Here

  • Publish Date: Posted over 1 year ago
  • Author: Handle Recruitment

Every Friday, we celebrate London and the creative industries.

I’m Still Here is a feature documentary by Franc Vissers shot in London during the first 12 months of the Covid pandemic, where hundreds of people were left “locked out” on the streets.

This film gives them a powerful voice during this unique time and highlights the efforts of Under One Sky, who defied the virus and walked out into the unknown to serve.

Actress Elizabeth McGovern says “This film gives us hope. By saving others we save ourselves. It gives us a way forward".

Where to watch

Picturehouse Cinemas are hosting screening events, with live panel Q&A sessions from those involved in the production of the film:

  • Fulham Road, Mon 11 Dec, 8:15 pm. Moderator/co-director Elizabeth Healey in discussion with director Franc Vissers, Under One Sky founder Mikkel Juel Iversen and Pops Robinson, who is featured in the film.

  • Ritzy, Sun 17 Dec, 5.00pm. Moderator/co-director Elizabeth Healey in discussion with Amrit Maan OBE and Anna Sebastian, both featured in the film.

  • Hackney, Thu 21 Dec, 8:30 pm. Moderator/co-director Elizabeth Healey in discussion with Franc Vissers, executive producer Elizabeth McGovern, and Under One Sky founder Mikkel Juel Iversen.

Attending these screening events will help the film be distributed and 100% of the profits will go toward Under One Sky and its mission to support homeless people

Book Screenings

Learn more about Under One Sky