You’ve read the job description, you’ve searched on Google, scrolled on LinkedIn, the company might be on a top 100 list… but how are you meant to tell whether a great brand will be great for your career?
Is there a one size fits all criteria for finding the perfect company for you or is there a secret formula that our consultants are told on their first day at handle?
Luckily it’s a lot more complicated than that and we’ve been asking our network what a great brand means to them and this is the shortlist:
Empowered to grow
A sense of belonging
Work-life balance
They care about the environment
Wellbeing support
Diversity and Inclusion
Happy customers
Innovative or exciting
Marketing, branding, and relevance
Positive Leadership
Fair compensation and benefits
We will explore each of these categories over the next few weeks and our consultants will share their opinions but have we missed any? Share your thoughts on LinkedIn