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Spring Forward - Work life balance

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 8 years ago

Have you caught up on that hour of sleep you lost yet? In today's world, it is becoming increasingly important to look after our mental health and wellbeing.  We seem to be constantly busy and have our faces permanently stuck on a screen! An immense 94% of working professionals reported working more than 50 hours per week and nearly half said they worked more than 65 hours per week in a Harvard Business School survey.  It's important to remember that every once in a while we must spring clean our minds!

Work life balance is different for each individual, so it's important to know what your triggers are. Here are Handle's top 5 tips to help you find the right balance for you.

1. Avoid burnout              

Perfectionist much? Learn to let go, it's ok to not always be perfect, that doesn't mean you're not on top of your game or good at what you do. Don't put extra pressure on yourself when you don't need to, whether this is at home or at work.  It's much healthier to strive for excellence rather than perfection.

2. Learn to say NO

If you're feeling overwhelmed or have too much on, don't feel that you always have to say yes to tasks. It's ok to say no, this doesn't mean that you are incapable of fulfilling your duties or that you're being rude or inconsiderate, it simply means that right now work demands are high and in order for you to get your current to-do list done something has to give.

3. Unplug

Technology allows us to work a lot smarter, it has also created the expectation that we are always accessible.  Try to only sync emails to your portable devices during work hours, or have a clear cut-off point so that nothing comes through between the hours of 7 pm and 7 am.  This allows you time to switch off from work and do the things you enjoy.  Spending quality time with friends and family or even on your own reduces stress and makes for a better-balanced lifestyle.

4. Exercise  

Why is it the first thing to get knocked on the head when our calendars are over spilling? It's one of the most effective stress reducers and by exercising we pump feel-good endorphins through our bodies.  These will naturally lift your mood and calm your mind.  It’s important to dedicate a few hours a week to exercise and meditation if that’s what works for you. Even if it’s just taking ten minutes of your daily commute to shut off from the world and do some breathing exercises, these take minor effort but have major payoffs.

5. Communicate

Talk to someone, if you are feeling overwhelmed or that your workload is too much don’t be afraid to ask for help, use this as an opportunity to talk to your manager and discuss realistic goals this will allow you to feel calmer and less stressed in the workplace.

If you are an employer and would like to know how to start implementing and supporting positive mental health and wellbeing within the workplace read our blog -  top 5 tips for wellness in the workplace.

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