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Does the glass ceiling even exist?

  • Publish Date: Posted over 8 years ago

With Hilary Clinton running for US presidency and Theresa May now the new Prime Minister of the UK, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that not only has the glass ceiling been well and truly shattered it may even cease to exist!

Angela Merkel leads the way with Forbes listing her as the world’s most powerful woman whilst there are also currently female Prime Ministers leading Poland, Norway and Denmark.

So how do we as women stand out from the crowd to ensure we snap up that dream job?  Read Handle’s three step starter:

Take the Initiative

Be willing to take charge and show you have what it takes to be in charge. Don’t wait for someone to tell you what to do. If you want to be in the top job, don’t wait to be asked. Figure out what needs to be done and then make it happen. Seek out a mentor within your business or from another organisation, it’s good to hear from someone who’s been there and done it.

Step out of that comfort zone

We all love to stay in our comfort zone. Stepping outside that zone opens us up to the risk of failure. However, new experiences provide the most opportunity for professional and personal growth. If you’re aiming to reach the next level you must push yourself to take risks and be uncomfortable on a regular basis, and if you’re struggling to find your way, perhaps ask your organisation to invest in a coach for you.

Constantly nurture your abilities and self-confidence. The more confidence and expertise you have, the more you comfortable you’ll start feeling and that big leap won’t seem so scary. Take the time to develop your personal networks, so that if you do stumble, you’ll have the support network to help you get back up on your feet.  Don’t let failure scare you. A little failure teaches us what doesn’t work which enables us to be more successful on the next try. Nothing replaces on the job experience for getting you ready for the next career stage. Take that leap!

Grow Your Emotional Intelligence

You must have strong emotional intelligence if you’re aiming to lead. Why? The higher up the corporate ladder you climb, the less the job is about you, it’s more about who you surround yourself with and your ability to lead and motivate others. No one knows it all - having others who provide a wider skill set and think differently is vital to being successful in senior management.

Self-awareness and an ability to keep your emotions in check is imperative - listen before reacting. Above all, you must be ethical and execute your role in a way that trusts, respects and inspires those who work with you. People want to work for someone with integrity, who cares about and invests in others.

So there you have it, three steps to help you grow in your current role and progress to the next step!

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